Saturday, August 2, 2014

One More Year

I am 28 minutes from turning 27 years old. I am incredibly thankful for the past year. I have grown a lot in the past 365 days. I have had a lot of down moments and have had a lot of successes. I have gotten knocked down and have picked myself up several times. I have met some incredible new people and read several phenomenal books. I have become a truer version of Matt Harris. I have taken huge steps in the direction of my dreams. My vision has become clearer. I have grown physically, intellectually, emotionally and mentally. 27 is my blow up year. It’s where all of the work I quietly do in silence will be manifested in the results.

You only have 365 days in a year. 104 of those are weekend days. If you aren’t working on your dreams on the weekends you are sacrificing 28.5% of your week, every week. I am not saying that you should be working 12 hours per day. I think that is dumb. You can leverage the 4-hour workweek principles and still maintain the positive forward momentum through creating activities that prevent you from voluntarily giving up your momentum. Even if it is as simple as reading a vision statement, or writing for 15 minutes. Anything you have to do to keep your brain immersed in your large vision. Keep yourself taking steps, even if they are baby steps, forward. In the direction of your dream-world.

This year I am asking myself one question: Why not me?

I have everything. I believe in myself. I understand the importance of big visions and small actions. I know how to implement and I know how to sell. I know about finance, networking, problem-solving and I have incredible people skills. There is literally nothing that can stop me except myself. I will not allow myself to get in my own way this year. I am a pot of water at 211 degrees right now. I have to keep applying the heat which will make that water start boiling this year. I am committed to my writing and committed to reading my vision statement. There is nothing that is going to stop me from doing that every single day. A bestselling book will come out of that activity. The proof is in the belief and the execution. My plan literally could not get any simpler. I have 2 daily activities that I do no matter what. The rest of my week is “extras”. I am not focusing on or trying to control outcomes. I am focusing on the process and letting the faith drive the results. Letting the world of the infinite handle the rest. All I can do is put the rubber to the road.

Today is a day to give thanks for the past year. 365 days that have made me stronger, more focused, and more relentless, with a much clearer vision. I am incredibly thankful for the opportunities I have had to develop myself. To regain strength when I felt like I couldn’t. I am thankful for all of the tough days that made me stronger. The people that have always believed in me and have helped push me towards bigger and better things, knowing that I have the capability.

Nothing is better than being field tested for 365 days and then having the opportunity to reflect and be thankful. To see all the positives and growth that have occurred this year and every subsequent year. It is a post-game and a pre-game all rolled into one. Reflecting on the prior year and preparing for the upcoming year. I’ll take any opportunity I can to focus on the next 12 months coming up and really reflect on what went well each year. You can have the worst year of your life and your perspective on it can make the world of difference. If you fight to see the positives, things will start to turn your way. If you see every setback as an opportunity to learn and get better, failures and setbacks will stop existing in your world. You will see the world as it is; as a fruitful place with an infinite number of opportunities. If you can’t see this, none of that abundance will ever be yours. Every year on your birthday, reflect on all that you are thankful for. We all have so much to be thankful for and so many people, to thank. This is my way of saying thank you to everyone for their support over the past year. If you are reading this, you are one of them. Keep fighting for your dreams and keep being thankful for what you already have. Here is to you, and I, having our BEST YEAR EVER!

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