The other day I saw a little girl, about 4 years old,
walking her dog. The dog was about 4 times as big as her, so the dog was really
walking her. Anyways, she was totally elated. For no apparent reason. She was
genuinely happy. Her dog was happy. They didn’t have a care in the world other
than enjoying each other’s company. She ran down the sidewalk and looked up at
me and gave me, a complete and total stranger, the biggest smile I have ever
seen. I could not help but smile back. It made me very genuinely happy. Her
happiness was infectious. It was probably one of the most adorable things I
have ever seen.
That little girl made me think. We have all been carefree
and happy like that before. I remember being a kid and all I cared about was
playing outside. It didn’t matter if it was football, basketball, street
baseball or creating chalk masterpieces on the driveway with my little sister.
It was true happiness. How often do we adults just smile at each other for no
reason? I catch myself paying no attention to people I pass on the streets.
Occasionally, I’ll even shoot a disingenuous half-smile, but nothing like the
smile that little girl gave me. As adults we are consumed with other things. We
are stressed out. We are worried if we say “hello” and smile at a stranger, we
might not get a response. That little girl couldn’t have cared less if I smiled
back or not. Her happiness did not come from my response. Her happiness was
internal. Her happiness was more powerful than anything I have ever seen
It still blows my mind how much power a little girl could
possess. This little girl possesses the secret to riches and a lifetime of
happiness. I hope she never loses that infectious enthusiasm. That enthusiasm
will carry her to great heights. It will inspire others to be happier and more
loving and caring. She can do amazing things by just holding onto her true-self.
By not allowing others to convince her to be something other than herself. To
follow her heart in all that she does. To maintain her authenticity at all
cost. That’s what’s funny about the world and the law of attraction. We all
want to be like people who are genuinely themselves – people who are authentic.
You don’t need a reason to be happy. You don’t have to justify it. It doesn’t
have to be difficult; it’s just a choice we all make every morning when we wake
up. Wake up every day like the little kid inside of you wants you to. Be happy
for no apparent reason. They always say, “When
you smile at the world, the world smiles back at you.” Give the world your
biggest and brightest smile – just like that little girl, and see who smiles
back at you. J
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