Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Dreams = My Reality

Dreams are my reality. I live in the future. In a world I am developing in my mind. It keeps me excited and enables me to focus on the daily activities that I do not particularly enjoy. It tends to create anxiety, which I argue is a good thing. It is like the necessary compression it takes to fire an engine. Humans need a certain level of anxiety, or internal pressure, to drive themselves and their daily actions.

Living in the cloud or dreaming all day is not a bad thing. There is an unlimited number of opportunities in this world and they all belong to the people that believe they can have them. It cracks me up when I hear people tell other people to think more “realistically”. That word is a joke to me. The thought of anything being “realistic” is so limiting. Just because something has never been done, doesn’t mean it’s not possible. Did anyone think electricity was possible a few hundred years ago?

The universe is full of limitless potential. I have read tons of books documenting the powers of the universe and more specifically, the thoughts that we all have. A thought will literally manifest itself in a physical equivalent. That’s why bad things happen to people who expect them to. It’s so fascinating to me to hear of the possibilities in this world if you can just transform the way you think. If you can convince yourself, you will convince the world of your worthiness. This principle is so fascinating. It’s written about in The Secret, Think and Grow Rich, The Prosperity Bible, and countless other books I have read. Everyone should know this. The opportunities in this world are not finite. I will repeat, the opportunities in this world are NOT finite. Too many people have a scarcity mentality instead of an abundance mentality. There is no limit to the number of jobs that could exist. There is no limit to the amount of value each and every one of us can provide to others. This all starts with our beliefs and our dreams. If we can dream it, we can achieve it. We must reconnect with the things we were passionate about as children.

The children who never actually grow up, and still hold onto their dreams are the people that do incredible things in this world. Living in a “dream world” really just means that you are visualizing something that you would like to be a part of. Whether it is being a professional baseball player or an opera singer. Kids have a natural propensity for dreaming that most adults have lost. The sad part is that most kids go through the process of “growing up” and end up having their dreams shot down. People tell them that they can’t be a professional baseball player or can’t be in a Broadway show. Slowly, children lose their confidence and their dreams fade away. Then as they get into their 20s and get a regular job, they wonder why they are not happy. It’s simple, they are out of tune with their inner-frequency. They are not doing what they want.

So why can’t we encourage kids to dream more? I think we don’t because, most adults have already given up on their dreams. They aren’t intentionally trying to shoot down dreams, they just do it subconsciously. They really believe in the limitations of this world. Probably because they “tried” to be a professional baseball player themselves, and didn’t make it. They didn’t understand what it really took to get to that level. They didn’t actually believe that they could do it.

I just want to completely abolish this mentality. Having the right mental attitude regarding possibility and your own personal capabilities is so much more important than your education. You can literally think your way to success, but very few people understand this. They go through the day-to-day motions of struggling financially, not really enjoying their job, treating the weekends as the escape from their reality, hating Mondays, loving Fridays and just existing. That is my biggest fear in the entire world. Giving in to this illusion – The American Dream. It’s not for me. There is way more to life than spending one week per year on vacation. Why can’t you go for 3 months? For most people, it’s financially related. But financially most people don’t ever think outside of the “job” box in terms of making money. That is the only solution most people can come up with to make money. There are tons of other ways to make money outside of a traditional job. Money is purely a medium for people to exchange value. The only way to really get rich in this world, and stay rich, is to add value to a lot of people’s life. That’s where money comes from. Think about something that you know, that other people would enjoy knowing, then think outside the box and find a way to deliver it. You might find yourself with an additional income source and a lot more freedom to do the things that you really love.

Keep dreaming my friends. There is nothing out there that you cannot have. It all starts in your mind. Believe it and it's yours. 

Yes, you can.

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